Examination Results


We are delighted to announce that our Year 11 students have once again achieved some pleasing results, continuing a positive trajectory since 2019. Despite the historic challenges of the pandemic and significant disruption to their learning in key stage 3, our students have demonstrated resilience and determination.

Whilst our overall results have shown a minor fluctuation this year, it is important to note the effect that attendance of a small group of students had on overall outcomes. We know that regular attendance is crucial for academic success, and students with a 95% attendance rate or higher have consistently achieved results above national averages, making better than expected progress. Those with attendance above 90% have also made progress in line with national expectations. This proves the significance of regular attendance in achieving academic success.  

The impact of the pandemic on the Y11 cohort cannot be overstated. The missed learning opportunities and disruption to classroom routines during their key stage 3 have undoubtedly affected overall outcomes. However, our dedicated staff have worked tirelessly to support our students and help them overcome these challenges.

Our year 13 students achieved an impressive set of results, in line with national averages, with the percentage of students achieving grade C or above at A-level increasing by 9%. The vocational subjects also performed well, with 98% of students passing.

We are incredibly proud of the achievements of our students and look forward to celebrating their successes in the years to come.


Exam Results Information Open Evening