The school has a number of different policies that underpin its work. There are also Trust policies that apply to all schools in the Trust.
Trust policies can be found on the Trust website here and include policies on:
- data protection
- freedom of information
- equality
- charging and other financial matters
- complaints
- whistle-blowing
- critical incidents
School level policies are shown below.
In addition, there are various web pages where more information is given.
This includes, under Your Child, additional information on Pastoral Support, Attendance, Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, Safeguarding Children, Rewards and Sanctions, Intervention Strategies and a range of FAQ.
The Curriculum area on the website gives additional information on department areas and areas such as More Able Gifted and Talented; SEN; Careers; Communications; VLE; Marking for Learning etc. The Accessibility Strategy includes Equality Objectives.