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Monitoring progress

Sen success exam

Each child in the base has a designated teacher who oversees their progress.  Most will also have a dedicated support worker who takes an especial interest too.

Each year group has a tutor assigned to the year group. 

The tutor runs morning sessions and usually delivers part of the social and communication programme (up to 6 hours each week).  This means they get to know the child well.  They will be a major contributor to the school report that informs the Annual Review as well as being the first point of contact for parents/carers.

On entry to the school:

Horizon staff review any assessment information to inform SEN Support plans.  Students will also take various base-line assessments as needed to provide a clear picture of their current academic levels and future needs. 

At Key Stage 3:

Children (unless accessing mainstream lessons) are taught by specialist base staff in English, Science and Social and Communication.   This gives KS3 students a small team of base teachers who take approximately half of the lessons in a week, and who can review students' progress and share strategies across the curriculum.   Other subjects, such as Music or Art, are taken by mainstream staff who receive training and advice on the needs of the group and work with support staff that know the children well. 

At Key Stage 4:

Children are known well by base staff having usually been in Horizon for Key Stage 3.  It is not unusual to see changes as age and additional experiences impact on coping and self-regulation strategies.  Individuals may be taught exclusively within the base, or access some mainstream lessons. 

At both key stages:

For those children accessing mainstream lessons, monitoring includes lesson by lesson feedback through a member of support staff.  There are also regular drop ins by Horizon staff to observe and check all is well. 

Within the base, there are learning walks and an open door policy is encouraged.  Those observing Horizon students are predominately the Horizon Leadership team, Trust SENCO and/or Deputy Headteacher overseeing Horizon and SEN. 

There will be occasions when other expertise is used, sometimes in paired observations eg Subject Leaders in English, Science or Mathematics or Therapist observation depending on the focus of the drop in.  Student voice is also used to inform feedback on provision.

In addition to drop ins and gathering of students’ views, formal academic data is gathered each term and this informs reports home to parents/carers.  Children are each set academic targets and their progress towards these are used as part of whole school, subject and Horizon group analysis.  This supports review and additional interventions as needed.

Teachers continue to mark, assess and use the myriad of interactions to judge progress and how lessons need adapting as a natural part of their work.  They will also raise concerns about student progress where appropriate.