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SEND: Horizon ASC base

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The Horizon Base within Oaks Park High School is for students whose prime need on their EHCP is classed as Autism and who are working at an academic level that requires access to a mainstream curriculum and need different class provision in order to do so.     

The base is a social environment, where children are taught in small groups and where individual teaching is not provided.  It is therefore important that children attending the base can manage this environment and the associated expectations. 

A child who needs 1-1 support as their main way of working and/or 1-1 teaching will not find the Horizon provision matches their needs.  Nor is it appropriate for a child with extensive learning needs who needs a highly adapted curriculum as the Horizon base delivers a mainstream secondary curriculum leading to formal examinations.

The curriculum, and expectations of behaviour, are embedded within the mainstream context as would be expected of a base within a mainstream school.  This means that children in the base must be able to access learning in a small group environment, and be able to tolerate others’ presence and those routine behaviours that come with teenagers.

You may also find the following information useful.  Simply click on the link below:


In addition, please note the other information available about Horizon:


How do I apply for a place in Horizon?

The application process is the same as other provisions for children with High levels of SEND who have an Education, Health and Care Plan.  More information can be found under the admissions heading above..

Can children who are not in Horizon access the base expertise?

The Local Authority commissions places in Horizon for specified students with Educational, Health and Care Plans.  This means that resources are necessarily centred on these named students.  Children are only agreed for a Horizon place when confirmed by the Local Authority.  

However, like any mainstream school, we expect mainstream teachers to use “ASC friendly” strategies and this forms part of annual training programmes.  The school SENCOs will also provide particular advice where adjustments and differentiation are required.

It should be noted that a diagnosis of ASC is not the same as a requirement for SEND specialist provision.  There are a significant number of students who are successful within mainstream provision with, or without, sustained targeted support.