Graduated Response - examples
Within the classroom
An example relating to academic progress is below. You will note how this starts with interventions at class teacher level.
Assess: The student sits assessments and underperforms against expectations. Parents/carers are notified of the teacher’s concerns through the school’s data collection and at Subject Teacher meetings.
Plan: The teacher plans for how to support that student in order for them to learn from their mistakes and make progress.
Do: The teacher implements their plan by differentiating the curriculum to enable the student to make progress. This could include:
- Greater differentiation within the classroom
- Modelling of the specific tasks
- Invite to a subject specific intervention
- Differentiated homework
Review: The teacher reviews the students’ progress by analysing the impact the differentiation has made. This could be via another assessment.
If after repeated attempts to differentiate the curriculum and the student is continuing to underperform, a SEN learning referral form is completed by the student’s teacher and the student is discussed at the school’s multi professional internal meeting known as a Student of Concern meeting.
What happens at a Student of Concern meeting?
An example relating to academic progress is below.
Step 1: The student is raised at the Student of Concern meeting and baseline data is reviewed; an observation, file review and/or cognitive assessment maybe carried out depending on the need identified.
Step 2: SEN Team/Pastoral Teams will review the evidence and recommend a specific intervention.
Step 3: The student accesses the intervention over a period of time and their progress is monitored.
Step 4:: The outcome is reviewed; this may be using school’s data systems i.e. class charts, Academic Tracking etc. and findings are discussed at the next Student of Concern meeting and with parents/carers.
Example where more general needs:
There may be concerns about their well-being and/or behaviours within the learning environment. A student may also be flagged up via the SEN referral route due to behavioural concerns via the Pastoral Teams. Parents/carers are notified of the school’s concerns and are informed that the student requires more support to help them engage with their learning and the school environment.
Based on the assessment feedback/data, the Year Team, SEN department and PLUS (Behavioural and Emotional Support) team will meet at the school’s SOC (Student of Concern) forum to discuss a plan of action to support the student in the specific areas they find challenging. The initial plan may be to work with the subject teacher to develop the differentiation that needs to take place within the classroom environment to support the student’s learning or involve a short-term intervention with the SEN tean and/or PLUS team.. This plan is then shared with parents/carers.
The SEN Team/Year Team will implement the intervention. Strategies, which complement the intervention, will be shared with subject teachers through a Teacher Strategy meeting and/or a Pupil Passport. The intervention will run for an agreed period of time, in line with an agreed review date.
At the agreed review date, the student's progress is assessed by analysing the quality and impact the intervention or support has made; this could be done through teacher feedback, the school’s data for learning attitudes or the student undertaking some form of assessment. If the student has made sufficient progress, the intervention may end or they may continue to access the intervention with another review date scheduled. Feedback from this review will be shared with parents/carers, pastoral teams and class teachers (if deemed appropriate). If this hasn’t resolved the difficultythe SOC meeting will consider whether there are other strategies to be tried or whether the concern needs to be referred back to the Student of Concern meeting for further input.
If after repeated attempts of this cycle and discussions with parents/carers, SEN department and the student’s Year Team, it is felt that the student requires a high number of targeted interventions to maintain progress or require internal specialist support, then a SEN support plan and process is triggered.