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Back to School Arrangements

Posted: 29/08/24

Back to School Arrangements

Return to school - Mainstream 2nd September /Horizon 3rd September

Students in Years 8 to 11 will come in for part of the day for a tutor programme and assembly as shown below on Monday 2nd September. This is an important introduction to the new school year and all students should attend, in full school uniform. 

New Year 7 students will be in school all day and Post 16 students will receive a separate email regarding enrolment.  

Horizon students should not attend at all on 2nd September but will be in as normal from Tuesday September 3rd.  Please note that if your child gets school transport, this will start on September 3rd, so separate arrangements will need to be made for the 2nd if required.  


Year 7

In all day with their form tutor

Year 8

10.30am to 12pm.

Year 9

10.30am to 12pm

Year 10

1pm to 2.30pm

Year 11

1pm to 2.30pm

Post 16 
