Year 11 Leavers
Posted: 1/07/24

Last Friday, we said goodbye to our Year 11 students with a special farewell assembly, celebrating their time at Oaks Park High.
Staff recorded goodbye messages, and the Year team prepared a presentation full of photographs of the students over the years. They were all thrilled to see their old school portrait photographs on the big screen!
Year 11 tutors chose their top two tutees who each received a special mention and a certificate.
After the assembly, there was a chance for students to sign each others' school shirts before gathering at the front of the school for our traditional photograph.
Our Horizon Year 11 students had their own celebration in addition to the whole Year group assembly. This was held in the Horizon outdoor space, attended by parents/carers, and staff who have worked with the students. It's always a lovely occasion to celebrate everything the students have achieved during their time at Oaks.
We wish all students a wonderful summer, and look forward to seeing those who are returning to study in Post 16 with us.