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Year 7 & 8 Sports Day Friday 21st June

Posted: 17/06/24

Year 7 & 8 Sports Day Friday 21st June

Year 7 & 8 Sports Day is on Friday 21st June between 9:00 and 3:00pm

Students should attend school wearing their full PE Kit and should also bring a drink/snack for morning break if required.

Parents/carers should confirm attendance using the booking form emailed to them on Monday 17th. Anyone who has not pre-booked will not be able to attend.

A copy of the day’s running order is below. 

Please also be aware that between 12-1pm you will be asked to leave the school site, due to students' lunchtimes. You will also not be able to sign in during these times.

For safeguarding reasons, during the events, parents and carers will be asked to remain in the designated parents’ area and not go onto the field or students’ section of the field.

Sports Day is dependent on the weather. Should there be a need to postpone, the PE department will seek to make alternative arrangements. We will inform you as soon as possible if this is the case via My Ed app/email and the school website. Please make sure that your child has their own sun cream/hat, and they should bring plenty of water.

We are looking forward to a very enjoyable day!

Year 7 and 8 Sports Day 2024 Running Order